Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thankful Part 3


This week my thankful friend post is dedicated to Miss Lindsay Palmer!

Lindsay and I have been friends since approximately 6th grade – we met in middle school and we soon became very good friends because we realized that both of our parents worked at the high school. Lindsay’s dad (at the time) coached basketball and my dad also coached basketball and my mom was Lindsay’s dad’s boss.

We also thought we were cool because our names were so similar and we spent most of our childhood confusing people as we introduced ourselves.. “hi, I’m Lindsay…hi I’m Lynnlee” “wait what…?”

Lindsay’s dad became and assistant principle and that meant he worked very closely with my mom. So Linds and I always stuck together at all of the functions and events that required their attendance. Once we got into high school we stuck together as the rule followers – we knew that the day we tried to skip or break another rule would be the day we got caught – and goodness would they jump to put our wrong doing in the newspaper “Choctaw administrators daughters caught…”

So instead of blabbing on I will add my list of why I love Lindsay and our friendship

  • she is quite funny
  • she is always positive and even in the hard situations
  • she made quite an impact on my relationship with Jesus
  • she was such a heartthrob =)
  • I’m certain she could have an hour long conversation with just about anyone
  • We go to rivaling schools but we never bring that into our friendship
  • her middle name is “Lee” which is part of my name?

The list could go on but all this to say I love my Linds and though we may joke with her a lot she is an integral part of the s7.

Now in pulling all of these pictures together on my computer…I realized…Wow, I have more individual/not normal pictures of Linds on my computer than I do of anyone else, including myself. Since Lindsay makes claim that she is our go-to girl to pick on and well quite frankly…she will think twice now before stealing my camera to take glamorous photos of herself. (which means yes, I created album #2) check it out.

I can hear it now… Youuuu guuuuuyyyysssss. Love you Linds!

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