Sunday, February 20, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?

Dear The New York Times,


The newspaper LEAD film critics recently published an article that discussed black actors who have previously won Oscars. Whoopi was not included anywhere within the article…I was so glad that she confronted the issue on The View.

She won an Oscar for her role in Ghost, a fabulous role starring alongside Demi Moore and the magnificent Patrick Swayze. Her win was historic and the movie was so good, how a lead film critic from one of the biggest newspapers in the country, and maybe even the world, just baffles me.

In case they missed this… here is Whoopi on her Oscar win


It is not like she was a one hit wonder…she is one of TWELVE people that claim the E.G.O.T…she holds in her possession one of each of the major awards in the different industries.



Don’t worry Whoopster, you are loved and respected for all of your work and I am so glad you are on the view!!

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