Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why Not Me?


Last night at The Well we were blessed to have  great speaker. Our college pastor Chris Brooks had previously told us about his friend who as a young boy was diagnosed with Lupus…fought the battle and was really doing great things with his life and his relationship with Jesus. But just this semester he found out the lupus had returned (which is rare) and just last week before he came to speak to us he finished his last portion of chemo for this round of treatment.

Having known a little background to this story…it just seemed that something was different last night at the well but something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. We sang some really powerful songs and all of which said phrases about God being our healer, our savior, there and present always, He is constantly here with us. When he got up to speak it was really great…he talked about facing God when something happens that you weren't prepared for or tragedy. To sum it up…he said “why not me?”, saying that everyone asks “how could this happen to you?” or “why you” and he basically said “why NOT me?”. Christ suffered for us and there are numerous stories of “biblical heroes” we might call them and he talked about how they suffered but how they were dependent on their God and they would not abandon him just as He would not abandon them. I really really recommend following the link  below and listening to the podcast. It’s about 30 minutes ish so if you have any down time really just give it a try. It is a message worth hearing for all.

Check out the Podcast here!

I apologize for the slightly corny pictures but it was the best version with lyrics.



I hope that everyone has a marvelous day, leave me your comments and let me know what you think or if you listened to the podcast! Also, don’t forget to follow me to keep up with all of the posts!!

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