At the beginning of the summer I began working my way through this bible study by Beth Moore. I just love her and her studies. She gives a lot of structure within the study and it helps me to keep myself accountable. I also love the way she takes a passage of scripture and guides her readers through a very in depth study of it. I recommend to all. But the one I worked on today discussed humility and how pride can be an obstacle to us obtaining ultimate freedom.
One of the verses that she directed the study to was James 4:10 which says "Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up"
and this verse immediately sent me back to one of the fondest memories that I have and that is the children of Asha Mission Children's home in Delhi, India singing the hymn of this verse in their lovely and off-pitch voices (like I have any room to talk). I thought I had a video of them singing this but the only one I could find was them singing another song during "prayer time" in hindi. I am going to attach this video and so you all can grasp the sweetness of their voices.
PS- it is very dark because this was in the evening and I did not want to turn the flash on and interrupt their sweet prayer time.">
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