This morning I decided to make these delightful yet very simple treats. My lovely roommate made these once and I thought to myself..."why hadn't I ever thought of that!". I loved when my mom used to make me cinnamon toast and this is basically the same thing but on a crescent roll. Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE bread in any form or fashion. All you do here is buy a package of crescent rolls from the grocery store and I spread some butter on the inside.
Then mix together cinnamon and sugar in whatever amount suits your taste buds and sprinkle on the inside of the dough. Roll them up and place them on a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes (or until golden brown) at about 350 to 375 degrees. This is an "idiot-proof" recipe and method. Normally the cinnamon/sugar mixture gets on the outside of the dough in the process of rolling it up. I have added some pictures here and I promise - they are just delightful and SO EASY to make!!
Please don't laugh at my animal shaped plates... I am a college student and they were on sale. And so what...they are fun!! =)
I like things - like bread - to be thoroughly cooked so you could take them out sooner if you would like them a little more "gooey" but the cinnamon/sugar browns it up so these were not "hard" but just right - if I do say so myself!
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I feel like in the past 24 hours I have repeated this verse to myself and to many loved ones..about one hundred times. My hometown community, Fort Walton Beach, Fl experienced tragedy last night. In a local neighborhood a 16 year old student from choctaw was killed in a car accident. Her brother was also in the car but after taken to the hospital he was released. The accident happened right in front of the family's home as the daughter was making a turn into her driveway. Matthew lives in this neighborhood and was out for a night run around 10-ish. He was running down the road and his dog began to freak out and with his ipod in he did not hear much but turned around and did not see the initial impact but saw the aftermath. He obviously went back and was there for a while. It is just tragic situation and you can read the whole article on but so many people that I love and care for have been greatly affected by this. Her family is very well-known and extremely involved in the community and she has been the Indian princess (sort of like the mascot) at Choctaw for 3 years.
I cannot imagine the grief of her family and I certain wish I could be there to comfort those of my own but in talking to many of them all I can repeatedly turn to is this verse in John chapter 16 - Praise Him that He has overcome the world... Praise Him
And if you are reading this and do not know them then please lift up prayers for the Bowman/Hamilton families and the entire community of FWB as they are in shock and heartache.
I tell ya, if you have not been watching the World Cup and more particularly...the USA then you have been missing out and you should really start now. Because, oh goodness, the United States WON today and advanced past the group the top of their group!! This is the first time that has happened since 1930 - we have advanced from the group stage since then, just not as the leader - and the win came in the most exciting way.
I will say that the USA played so tough the entire game and had a ton of shots on goal..making me one aggravated on-looker as I wondered "will one ever go in?". Well in the 91st minute of the 90 minute game (they add times for any clock stoppage during the game) the beloved Landon Donovan scored a great goal. I must say, I was watching this alone...and I screamed, jumped, and gave my own victory dance! It was awesome...I know soccer isn't the biggest in the USA but this is a huge deal and everyone needs to be ready to cheer the team on on Saturday when we play Ghana. Landon Donovan is someone that I have watched since he first came on the national/international stage when I was a soccer lovin youngster and I couldn't be more happy to see him have such a victorious moment. So everyone, everywhere...grab your vuvuzelas and lets go!! USA! USA! USA!!
You have to be living under a rock if you have no idea what is going on right now in the world (no, not the oil...) it is the WORLD CUP! Even if you do not watch soccer or care that it is happening, one must at least know that it is indeed happening. The world cup is being held in South Africa this summer. I played soccer competitively for most of my life and I still love the sport. This is an event where people travel from all around the world to meet every four years to fight for the golden soccer or "futbol" trophy.
I obviously am all for TEAM USA (their picture is seen below) but I also love watching all of the teams play. I love the upsets (unless it's someone upsetting the USA) and I love the camaraderie of the whole event, the stories behind the countries and all the players. Don't get me wrong...I love the more "American" sports like uhh...FOOTBALL (which, by the way, I just bought my student tickets this week to support the Crimson Tide) but I also love the world's version of futbol and I love the excitement it brings. I LOVE watching players reactions when they score or do something just as awesome...the facial expressions and emotion get me every time!
The next picture is Clint Dempsey, he plays for the USA and is currently the only USA player to score a goal in the cup. He has a great and inspiring story which is what I love most about sport. I love hearing how a sport changed someones life and made them who they are today. I am a nostalgic sap so of course I eat up all of espn's sappy stories. You should check his gives a great meaning to every goal he scores and who he scores it for.
Here is his story
Last but not least...the Vuvuzela. If you have watched any game of the world cup or any professional soccer team you have heard that insane buzzing noise. It sounds like the stadium is getting attacked by locusts...nope just a plastic horn that thousands of people play for the entire game. It's humorous to me...some call them annoying or loud but hey it adds character to the sport. (there is a pic below)
First, I never..ever...thought that I might say something like this. I grew up playing sports all the time, mostly soccer..volleyball...and running. My older sister has run competitively all of her life and so coincidentally I was told to just chase her. That desire completely died around 9th grade and I gave it up and really have run just sporadically since then.
In last couple of has hit me. I am no crazy long distance runner, just 2-3 miles most times that I do run. But it gets addicting to where I feel that I cannot think clearly if I have not run and cleared my mind. I have never enjoyed the treadmill but all of the sudden that is where I do all of my running. I do like running outside if it is on a trail or something of the sort but I hate running by myself and so when I go to the Rec center and see other people working out it motivates me and keeps me company.
I cannot stand when the little old man on the elliptical in front of me is there for a longer time than me so that normally keeps me going for longer than usual.
This is where I have been all week... The Saddle Ridge Ranch. This is also known as Calvary Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa vacation bible school with lots of short attention spanned two year olds. It was a lot of work being a part time pre-school intern, this is like the super bowl for us. But it all turned out really well and I think all the kids loved it and had a great time, at least I did! There are a ton of fun and cute stories but, I shall not bore you with those. Just imagine the cute, innocent, and sweet comments and phrases of those young ones. It is never a dull moment.
(I know...blogging has been suffering greatly to my busy schedule)
At the beginning of the summer I began working my way through this bible study by Beth Moore. I just love her and her studies. She gives a lot of structure within the study and it helps me to keep myself accountable. I also love the way she takes a passage of scripture and guides her readers through a very in depth study of it. I recommend to all. But the one I worked on today discussed humility and how pride can be an obstacle to us obtaining ultimate freedom.
One of the verses that she directed the study to was James 4:10 which says "Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up" and this verse immediately sent me back to one of the fondest memories that I have and that is the children of Asha Mission Children's home in Delhi, India singing the hymn of this verse in their lovely and off-pitch voices (like I have any room to talk). I thought I had a video of them singing this but the only one I could find was them singing another song during "prayer time" in hindi. I am going to attach this video and so you all can grasp the sweetness of their voices.
PS- it is very dark because this was in the evening and I did not want to turn the flash on and interrupt their sweet prayer time.">