There is a song written by Hillsong - the Australian christian awesome band- and its titled Hosanna. I have heard and sung this song so many times but for some reason - maybe the Holy Spirit- it never gets old and the words speak to me just as much now as they did the first time i ever heard it.
Towards the end of the song - I'm sure there is a musical term for it, but i have no the end- there is a verse that says "heal my heart and make it up my eyes to things me how to love like You have loved me" then it also says "Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for Your kingdoms cause..."
This verse just speaks so much to me because when I look at my life...I just truly want to love others the way that He has loved me - or at least do my best at doing so because I know I can never come to the same capacity of my Lord and Savior. I want my heart to break for the things that break His and I pray that my heart would be healed and made clean...
Then the chorus proclaims "Hosanna, Hosanna..." and what better timing then posting this as we come upon Easter. Hosanna literally means "save us" and as Jesus lead the way to the cross people bowed down and shouted Hosanna, Hosanna...meaning God, save us. And He did.
Here are the lyrics to the song in case you would like to see the whole thing...
I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing
Hosanna in the highest
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth into
Hosanna in the highest
-Hosanna: Hillsong United-
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Choclate Cake with Mint Filling
This past weekend I made a Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a mint frosting filling. I was excited because this was a recipe I sort of made up in my head. I didn't actually think up the cake and frosting recipes myself - I am no where near that ability. But I found each three scratch recipes and then combined them together to make a pretty tasty cake. I was worried because I wasn't sure how the flavors would mix but it was yummy. I left the cake for my moms birthday ...but as you will see in the pictures I couldn't leave without trying it myself and to take some pictures!
I used Ina Garten's chocolate cake recipe and here is a link to it, its very good and not that hard to make. Cake Recipe here!
I used a basic mint frosting for the filling. This recipe does not produce much..really just enough to fill the cake. I would recommend doubling at least if you want to use it for more than just filling. Mint Frosting (filling)
I searched around and found a creamy chocolate frosting recipe. It was very good and will probably become my "go-to" chocolate frosting from now on. This recipe was enough to frost the outside of the cake and there might have been enough to fill - there was a bit leftover. Chocolate Frosting
All in all the cake was very good and I cannot wait to make it again! Let me know what yall think?
Monday, March 22, 2010
YouTube Video of the day
Well since I cannot actually post the video, I will give my two cents and then add a link where you can watch it for yourself.
I saw this on World News with Diane Sawyer the other night and its a youtube version of the We Are The World 25 For Haiti video. A lady on youtube realized how many people were making their own covers of the song after the new one came out about a month ago. She decided to truly make it about the world and contacted over 57 people from all over the world. These people had already made their own videos singing the song but she collaborated them all together so its all of these "normal" people singing the "We are The World" song...I personally love the song and so I thought this was really cool. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think?
We Are The World - YouTube Edition!
I saw this on World News with Diane Sawyer the other night and its a youtube version of the We Are The World 25 For Haiti video. A lady on youtube realized how many people were making their own covers of the song after the new one came out about a month ago. She decided to truly make it about the world and contacted over 57 people from all over the world. These people had already made their own videos singing the song but she collaborated them all together so its all of these "normal" people singing the "We are The World" song...I personally love the song and so I thought this was really cool. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think?
We Are The World - YouTube Edition!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Season 9 American Idol
I am an avid American Idol watcher - have been since the first season. They are currently in the middle of season 9 and a lot has changed - there are 4 judges instead of 3 and 2 of those are "newbies". All seems to be going well this season and I just want to give my top 3 this far.

First is Siobhan Magnus. I think she has a GREAT voice and I love her quirky-ness. She marches to the beat of her own drum with her style and actions, but i love it. Not to mention her voice is totally bangin' and all of her performances have been "dope" as Randy Jackson would say. I wouldn't be surprised to see her in the finals, maybe even winning. She has my vote till the end.

The next is... Big Mike! I love me some Big Mike. His name is Michael Lynche and he just has the whole package. His personality shines through everything and it is just someone who I look forward to watching and want to hear him sing. He also has a great story...during Hollywood week his wife gave birth to their first child and they showed him on the phone listening-it was a teary moment and ever since I have just loved him. (it doesn't hurt that he has an "angelic" voice as Elton John said on The View the other day.)

And lastly...Lee Dewyze. He is just a hunky one. Who doesn't love the attractive man, raspy/good voice, guitar playing type of guy. He sort of reminds me of Dave Matthews Band, whom I love. I hope that he goes far and he again like the others will most definitely have my vote till the end because I don't want to stop seeing them all perform.
There are others that might could slide in or out of my top 3-but they will have tough shoes to fill if they want to replace one of those three. From now on I will try and give weekly recaps and favorites from the Tuesday/Wednesday shows.

First is Siobhan Magnus. I think she has a GREAT voice and I love her quirky-ness. She marches to the beat of her own drum with her style and actions, but i love it. Not to mention her voice is totally bangin' and all of her performances have been "dope" as Randy Jackson would say. I wouldn't be surprised to see her in the finals, maybe even winning. She has my vote till the end.

The next is... Big Mike! I love me some Big Mike. His name is Michael Lynche and he just has the whole package. His personality shines through everything and it is just someone who I look forward to watching and want to hear him sing. He also has a great story...during Hollywood week his wife gave birth to their first child and they showed him on the phone listening-it was a teary moment and ever since I have just loved him. (it doesn't hurt that he has an "angelic" voice as Elton John said on The View the other day.)

And lastly...Lee Dewyze. He is just a hunky one. Who doesn't love the attractive man, raspy/good voice, guitar playing type of guy. He sort of reminds me of Dave Matthews Band, whom I love. I hope that he goes far and he again like the others will most definitely have my vote till the end because I don't want to stop seeing them all perform.
There are others that might could slide in or out of my top 3-but they will have tough shoes to fill if they want to replace one of those three. From now on I will try and give weekly recaps and favorites from the Tuesday/Wednesday shows.
Sad for Sandra
Most people have heard by now that someone seems to have stolen Sandra Bullock's Oscar thunder which was inevitable to happen...but from her husband?

This is her at the Oscars. I think that she just looks ravishing and I loved her entire look as much as I just love her and all of her work. This was her first Best Actress nomination for The Blindside-and she WON!! I was so happy for her and really I loved watching all of the interviews where she repeatedly mentioned her husband Jesse James and the love that they had and why she has been so successful and here is a cute pic of them after her big win...

Then just a short week after the win the allegations came flying out that James had reportedly cheated on Bullock. I almost couldn't believe it when I read it on Twitter. The "mistress" claims many things that it lasted for 11 months and that many people knew about it. The next picture is of the lovely alleged mistress - he ditched Sandra for that? It it just depressing when you see these happy and in love couples then something like this happens.

I really hope the allegations are mostly false and I hope that if they love each other like they have claimed on TV and more then hopefully they can work it out- through counseling or whatever it may be. But also she must do what she thinks is right and honestly it is not my business whatsoever - I just feel so bad for her, it must be incredibly humiliating...I cannot even imagine.

This is her at the Oscars. I think that she just looks ravishing and I loved her entire look as much as I just love her and all of her work. This was her first Best Actress nomination for The Blindside-and she WON!! I was so happy for her and really I loved watching all of the interviews where she repeatedly mentioned her husband Jesse James and the love that they had and why she has been so successful and here is a cute pic of them after her big win...

Then just a short week after the win the allegations came flying out that James had reportedly cheated on Bullock. I almost couldn't believe it when I read it on Twitter. The "mistress" claims many things that it lasted for 11 months and that many people knew about it. The next picture is of the lovely alleged mistress - he ditched Sandra for that? It it just depressing when you see these happy and in love couples then something like this happens.

I really hope the allegations are mostly false and I hope that if they love each other like they have claimed on TV and more then hopefully they can work it out- through counseling or whatever it may be. But also she must do what she thinks is right and honestly it is not my business whatsoever - I just feel so bad for her, it must be incredibly humiliating...I cannot even imagine.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Half and Half Cupcakes
These were the cupcakes that I made last saturday for my brother/futer sister-in-law's wedding shower. I have made them before, they are a white cake batter and a brownie batter that are layered together and topped with a whipped cream cheese frosting. I have made them before, as I said, and they were good then...BUT I am not trying to sound cocky but man they were delicious.
It seemed that is all people talked about, which did make me feel good and a little more confident in my baking. Im not sure why they seemed so different this time but they were so scrumptious.
I would love to pass along the recipes - it's very easy to make - so just leave a comment if you would like more info.
His and Hers Shower
My sister and I hosted a wedding shower for my brother and his fiance! They are getting married May 29th and so we decided to throw a "His and Hers" shower. Not exactly sure the definition of that title but basically we meant to bring gifts that would suit the both of them! The shower was at Callie's house in Niceville and here are some pictures of the setup!

This was the entry table setup and my mother was very proud of the arkansas razorback wine and beer glass for the two of them!

This is a larger view of the entry table...the large tool box at the bottom was filled with all sorts of goodies for the both of them and were our hostess gifts for the couple.

The tables setup outside. Our centerpeices had kitchen tools and manly tools stuffed inside. These were all sent home with the happy couple!

The appetizers...yummy and kudos for all of Callie's wedding presents getting their use (all the serving dishes and platters)

And....What I am most proud of, my cupcakes that I made! Everyone really loved them which is always a plus - and the new cupcake tree that I ordered.
The shower was a success and everyone seemed to have a great time - I ate way too much and too many cupcakes but all is well. Have a great one!
This was the entry table setup and my mother was very proud of the arkansas razorback wine and beer glass for the two of them!
This is a larger view of the entry table...the large tool box at the bottom was filled with all sorts of goodies for the both of them and were our hostess gifts for the couple.
The tables setup outside. Our centerpeices had kitchen tools and manly tools stuffed inside. These were all sent home with the happy couple!
The appetizers...yummy and kudos for all of Callie's wedding presents getting their use (all the serving dishes and platters)
And....What I am most proud of, my cupcakes that I made! Everyone really loved them which is always a plus - and the new cupcake tree that I ordered.
The shower was a success and everyone seemed to have a great time - I ate way too much and too many cupcakes but all is well. Have a great one!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Good Times with Great Friends
This weekend was just great! I was able to drive to birmingham on saturday and meet up with 5 of my favorite friends. Of course, our respective colleges wont grant us all the same spring break - so as some began their break this weekend they decided to come to up this direction. We hung out in bham and shopped around, talked, and laughed...ALOT. Here are some fun pictures from the event!

We ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, which was delicious. I got the Chicken avocado club sandwich and topped it off with some Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake and oh let me tell you. It was great! (above... Chelsea B,Landy, Lynnlee)

In the picture above is Nancy, Lindsay, and Kayla while eating dinner!

Here we are waiting to eat...We had just all bought the same watch in Charming Charlie - yes in a variety of color. But they are this rubber handwatch. They are real cute..Landy even referred to them as "best friends" watches since we all got them. It was a joke - kinda =)

Here is most of us playing around and shopping at the summit in birmingham. It was a beautiful afternoon. Everyone except me is wearing flowers that they had just picked (literally) from the ground. We pride ourselves in our maturity especially as we get older. ha,ha...haha
Also, my good friend Logan came to visit because his team whom I refuse to acknowledge in my blog played alabama in basketball on saturday. (We won!) It was a fun time just to hang and catch up with everyone.
Only 5 days until Spring Break...woooohoooo
We ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, which was delicious. I got the Chicken avocado club sandwich and topped it off with some Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake and oh let me tell you. It was great! (above... Chelsea B,Landy, Lynnlee)
In the picture above is Nancy, Lindsay, and Kayla while eating dinner!
Here we are waiting to eat...We had just all bought the same watch in Charming Charlie - yes in a variety of color. But they are this rubber handwatch. They are real cute..Landy even referred to them as "best friends" watches since we all got them. It was a joke - kinda =)
Here is most of us playing around and shopping at the summit in birmingham. It was a beautiful afternoon. Everyone except me is wearing flowers that they had just picked (literally) from the ground. We pride ourselves in our maturity especially as we get older. ha,ha...haha
Also, my good friend Logan came to visit because his team whom I refuse to acknowledge in my blog played alabama in basketball on saturday. (We won!) It was a fun time just to hang and catch up with everyone.
Only 5 days until Spring Break...woooohoooo
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
With Everything
I have heard this song many times and sang it just as much. But recently I have just been in love with its words and I desire for it to be the prayer of my life right now.
check it! (ps- at the end....the "whoahh" is a lot more enthusiastic in person haha than in writing)
here is a link to a video, if you would like to actually hear the song.
Hillsong "With Everything" Video
Open our hearts,
To see the things
That make Your heart cry,
To be the church
The You would desire.
Light to be seen.
Break down our pride,
And all the walls
We've built up inside,
Our earthly crowns
And all our desires,
We lay at Your feet.
So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.
God of all days,
Glorious in all of Your ways.
Your majesty, the wonder and grace,
In the light of Your name.
With everything,
With everything,
We will shout for your glory.
With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.
Our hearts will cry
Be glorified,
Be lifted high,
Above all names.
For You our King,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.
Hillsong - "With Everything"
Hillsong "With Everything" Video
check it! (ps- at the end....the "whoahh" is a lot more enthusiastic in person haha than in writing)
here is a link to a video, if you would like to actually hear the song.
Hillsong "With Everything" Video
Open our hearts,
To see the things
That make Your heart cry,
To be the church
The You would desire.
Light to be seen.
Break down our pride,
And all the walls
We've built up inside,
Our earthly crowns
And all our desires,
We lay at Your feet.
So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.
God of all days,
Glorious in all of Your ways.
Your majesty, the wonder and grace,
In the light of Your name.
With everything,
With everything,
We will shout for your glory.
With everything,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.
Our hearts will cry
Be glorified,
Be lifted high,
Above all names.
For You our King,
With everything,
We will shout forth your praise.
Hillsong - "With Everything"
Hillsong "With Everything" Video
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