Thursday, July 23, 2009

BigStuf Camp 09

This past week I have been in Panama City Beach with the youth group from first baptist as they attended BigStuf Camp. I had never been to BigStuf before, but i had been to a couple church camps so i kinda knew what to expect. This was fun and kinda different though in that we were staying at a hotel on the beach which was awesome. One night we had worship out on the beach and it was just impeccable and then every night we had a designated "quiet time" and i always chose to do mine on the beach watching the sunset and looking out over the ocean.

I was technically an "adult leader" for the group i was in charge on 5 middle school girls! I know, I know...but they were great! it was alot of fun and they were full of questions which was awesome, i really think God touched their lives in individual ways and it was awesome to see!

But even though i was not a "student" it was an awesome event and I really felt God speak to me in ways I had not felt before. The last night we were there (wednesday night) - words can honestly not describe. We went into worship and started off the night with worship songs that were old and hymns and then all the way to the present which was great. then the speaker did an awesome job, they had a time of decision and there were tons of decisions made in the group of 1500...and we even had one boy in our group give his life to Christ which was just such an awesome moment! After that, the band came back out and played a couple more songs but the building was just on fire - God was impacting lives in so many ways that the people leading worship actually felt lead to have another time of decision and even more people raised their hands - Praise the Lord! it was just AWESOME! well the boy in our group was so sure of his decision and everything that he decided he didnt want to waste anytime and he wanted to get baptized right then - so after the like 2 hours of worship in song because it was just pumpin and no one wanted to stop - our who group went down to the water at like 11:00 and watched our fellow friend make the most important decision of his life!

I honestly am still processing everything that happened because it was truly indescribable for the first time it seemed as though i was at a complete loss for words. I pray that the feelings and thoughts never leave...there were some awesome moments i got on video and picture..i will upload them in a new post cause this one is getting lengthy!!

love you all and God loves you more!

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