I know, it has been what seems like a decade since I have posted on the blog...but in that time I have graduated, worked a couple jobs, got married, honeymooned, worked more, got a puppy, ran my first half marathon, and pretty much ignored the blogging aspect of life! (Of course I still read a bajillion blogs daily...)
Due to these life changes you may recognize a name/look change of the blog - no longer am I a college student (sad) and now I am going to blog about what it looks like to be a part of our little "Stanford life" (hint: Stanford = new last name).
Matthew and I are loving married life, we have a house that we love and are daily rearranging, re-placing, and refurnishing until we get it just right --- at least for that day anyway! I am going to need a lot of posts to catch up but I wanted to jump back into this because I do think it is a great way to reflect for myself and recap the happenings in our life. Let's face it, I will never be able to scrapbook or consistently journal so this is about as good as it can get! I am happy to be back - make sure your google reader/feed updates with the new name change! See you guys sooon!

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