(because it is funny....you know I would never say that, well maybe?)
First of all, way to go blogger with the new and updated interface. I am really liking it. Second of all, let me apologize...I know it does not take that much to actually produce a blog post. I mean it is about me and things I do...so how hard can it be? But apparently I cannot multi task in that way. I am a teacher intern this semester, meaning I am at the school day in and day out...teaching and doing everything that comes along with it. And well, lets be frank....It is exhausting.
I know, I know..."welcome to the real world and real work hours" but nonetheless it is still tiring. I will say that I think my body is adapting and getting used to the new schedule. I am at a local high teaching all grades psychology, AP Psychology, and 10th grade U.S. History. They keep me on my toes and by the end of the day I just want to lay on the couch and think of nothing (which is a lie, I am normally getting stuff ready for the next day or grading) Anywho...I will get back in the swing of things and I hope all of you have had a great start to the new school year and how about a big Roll Tide to football season being here. RTR

you can do it leelee!! I'm proud of you :)