This is the first family photo after the delivery. Cal did awesome and I am so happy that I was able to experience that with her. It truly is a miracle of God to watch such a tiny little thing come into this world and just the way it all works. It truly is a testament to His miraculous creation and His power.
Bode's first picture with Aunt Lizzy! I am one proud aunt and already spoil him rotten...oh goodness.
Here is the little stinker just hanging out in the hospital...isn't he something?
Bode has done great at home...beginning to get into a routine of eating and sleeping. He has been up about 2-3 times a night to eat and other than that he sleeps pretty well. Momma and daddy are doing great and just loving on their little boy.
I was really sad to leave yesterday because he will change so much by the next time I see him but I am glad to be back at school and get in the groove of things up here.
until next time .... ( i am sure there will a continual flow of pictures..don't worry)